Fermedics develops and supplies
premium fermented ingredients

Our main purpose is to produce premium fermented botanicals and nutrients obtained by controlled fermentation.
Our ingredients are manufactured in factories that meet the highest standards.

We focus on the nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industries.

Contact us

Plants are all chemists, tirelessly
assembling the molecules
of the world

Gary Snyder

Fermedics contributes to the health and well-being of people by unlocking nature’s potency. With a strong focus on scientific innovation combined with advanced technological processes, we strive for a better overall health for everyone.

Because your body deserves the best!

Plants have enough spirit
to transform our limited vision

Rosemary Gladstar

We recognize the importance of credibility, integrity, moral conduct and reliability to be successful as a company.
We are committed to upholding high ethical standards including honesty, fairness and respect in all of our activities, around the world.


Fermedics focuses on improved bioavailability of botanicals by applying advanced fermentation technologies.

We make a rigorous selection of high-quality ingredients available to health companies, even in an improved version.

Thanks to patented fermentation processes, the absorption capacity of all active substances ensures that these ingredients are the most efficient on the market.